Java , JEE 1.5 and J2EE Frameworks( Spring , Hibernate ,Web Services) Training by J2EE Architect.
The combined course will cover Spring and Hibernate Framework. The course will be mostly practical with specific emphasis on real time use of these technologies and how to make better design decision when using these in projects.
With my current role as J2EE architect, i will try to give more realistic approach for the use of these technologies and focus on real time application challenges.
Sample Videos :
Web Services:
Java Collection Labs:
Web Services:
Java Collection Labs:
Spring Course Details:
Overview of Spring
Benefits of Spring
Spring Architecture
Spring Annotation ( Spring3 Feature)
1. Spring IOC ( Inversion of Control)
Beanfactory Details.
Advantages of IOC
Instantiating POJOs using BeanFactory
Collection Injection
2. Spring AOP
Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
Benefits of AOP
AOP Terminology
Aspects ,Advices, Point cut etc.
Developing AOP application.
3. Spring DAO
Spring DAO (Spring JDBC)
Developing data centric applications using Spring DAO
Using JdbcTemplate class
Executing queries , stored procedures and processing results
4. Spring MVC
Spring MVC for Web Development
Developing web applications using Spring
Using Controller , view classes
Developing Simple view objects
Spring3 MVC Annotations
5. Spring Struts Integration
Spring Struts Integration Details
Configuration Changes ( web.xml, struts-config.xml , java classes etc)
Developing a end to end Struts and Spring Application.
6. Spring ORM
Spring ORM Module: Introduction
Spring Hibernate Integration Details.
Developing a end to end Spring and Hibernate Application.
Hibernate Course Details
Introduction to ORM Domain
Object/Relational Paradigms
O/R Mismatch
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
Java ORM/Persistent Frameworks
Hibernate Architecture
Hibernate Architecture and APIs.
Hibernate Installation/Setup
Setup Configuration Files
Setup Mapping Files
Introduction to Hibernate Persistance
What is Persistance
JavaBeans and POJOs
Basic Mapping Concepts
Class to Table Mappings
Property to Cloumn Mapping
Generators , Primary Keys identifier etc
Quoting SQL Tables and Columns
Hibernate Persistance API
SessionFactory Details
Session API Details
Transaction API and session.load()
Hibernate Collections
Hibernate Collection Mapping
Mapping Arrays
Mapping Map
Mapping Set
Mapping Bags
Hibernate Associations
Introduction to Associations
Many-to-one Association
Bidirectional Many-to-one
One-to-one Association
Bidirectional One-to-one
Many-to-many Association
Bidirectional Many-to-many
HQL (Hibernate Query Language)
HQL Introduction.
Hibernate Object Fetching Options .
Hibernate Query .
HQL Parameters .
Named Queries .
Native SQL .
Web Services Course
- Web Services Introduction
- XML Basics ( XML ,DTD , Schema, Parsers)
- SOA Introduction.
- J2EE Web Services
- JAX-WS (and JAX-RPC)
- JAXB ( Java API for XML Binding)
- Web Services Client
- Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java methodologies.
- SAAJ( Soap With Attachment API for Java)
- RESTful web service introduction
- RESTLET and Jersey Based web services
- RESTful examples.
Please contact for more details and demo class.
Thanks everyone for visiting this page. Appreciate your feedback and inputs.
Interesting and fruitful java course and tutor. Kamal is very experienced and has strong core java and J2EE skills. I am very satisfied with the training and this also helped me find a find a job.
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