This training is for people targeting to have a all inclusive knowledge of JAVA and J2EE Frameworks( Spring , Hibernate ,Web Services ) Training by J2EE Architect.
The course will be mostly practical with specific emphasis on real time use of these technologies and how to make better design decision when using these in projects.
With my current role as J2EE architect, i will try to give more realistic approach for the use of these technologies and focus on real time application challenges.
Email: for more details and demo class.
Sample Videos:
Web Services:
Java Collection Labs:
Study Material:
* Presentation/Decks for each topic
* Fully Solved examples.
* Exercises for each topic.
* Certification Question Papers.
* Resume Preperation Help.
Core Java- Part1 Java Basics
- History of Java
- OOPs Concepts
- Java Architecture
- JVM Architecture
- Java Syntax
- Java Execution Engine Process
- Class File Format
- Simple Java Program
- Class / Abstract Class / Interface
- Predefined Classes and Packages
- Predefined Key words
- Object Class Details
- Static Methods and Static Blocks
- Access Specifier ( Internal Structure)
- Exception Handling Framework
- Exception Concepts ( try, catch, finally)
Core Java- Part2 Advance Topics
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- Inheritance : Details
- Polymorphism : Details
- Encapsulation and Abstraction
- Constructor Chaining
- Threads- Introduction
- Thread Creation- Thread Class and Runnable
- Thread Life Cycle
- Thread Communication Model
- Thread Synchronization
- Garbage Collection
- Collection Framework: Introduction
- Types of Collection.( List , Set , Map)
- Differences between Collection APIs
- Accessing Collection Objects: Iterator API
Spring Framework Course Details:
- Overview of Spring
- Benefits of Spring
- Spring Architecture
- Beanfactory Details.
- XMLBeanFactory
- Advantages of IOC
- Instantiating POJOs using BeanFactory
- Collection Injection
- Spring AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)
- Benefits of AOP
- AOP Terminology
- Aspects ,Advices, Point cut etc.
- Developing AOP application.
Spring DAO / JDBC
- Spring DAO (Spring JDBC)
- Developing data centric applications using Spring DAO
- Using JdbcTemplate class
- Executing queries , stored procedures and processing results
Spring MVC
- Spring MVC for Web Development.
- Developing web applications using Spring.
- Using Controller , view classes.
- Developing Simple view objects.
- Spring3 MVC Annotations.
- Spring ORM Module: Introduction
- Spring Hibernate Integration Details.
- Developing a end to end Spring and Hibernate Application.
Hibernate Course Details
Introduction to ORM Domain
- Object/Relational Paradigms
- O/R Mismatch
- Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
- Java ORM/Persistent Frameworks
Hibernate Architecture
- Hibernate Architecture and APIs.
- Hibernate Installation/Setup
- Setup Configuration Files
- Setup Mapping Files
Introduction to Hibernate Persistence
- What is Persistance
- JavaBeans and POJOs
- Basic Mapping Concepts
- Class to Table Mappings
- Property to Cloumn Mapping
- Generators , Primary Keys identifier etc
- Quoting SQL Tables and Columns
Hibernate Persistance API
- SessionFactory Details
- Session API Details
- Transaction API
- and session.load()
- Session.flush()
Hibernate Collections
- Hibernate Collection Mapping
- Mapping Arrays
- Mapping Map
- Mapping Set
- Mapping Bags
- Mapping List
Hibernate Associations
- Introduction to Associations
- One-to-one Association
- Many-to-one Association
- One to Many Association
- Many-to-many Association
HQL (Hibernate Query Language)
- HQL Introduction.
- Hibernate Object Fetching Options
- Hibernate Query
- HQL Parameters
- Named Queries
- Native SQL
Hibernate Criteria
- Criteria API Introduction
- Expression API and Restrictions API
- Criteria Associations.
- Criteria based nested queries.
- Performance comparison with HQL.
Hibernate Caching
- Caching Introduction.
- Types of Caching
- Transaction Level Isolation.
- Caching Providers( Ehcache etc)
- Caching configuration in xml files
- Query based caching.
Web Services Course Details
Web Services Core:
- Web Services Introduction
- XML Basics ( XML ,DTD , Schema, Parsers)
- SOA Introduction.
- SOAP Details
- WSDL Details
J2EE Web Services :
- J2EE Web Services
- JAX-RPC ( Top-Down and Bottom-Down Approach)
- JAX-WS Service and Client Details
- JAXP ( SAX,DOM Parsers)
- JAXB ( Java API for XML Binding)
- Web Services Client
- Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java methodologies.
- SAAJ( Soap With Attachment API for Java)
RESTFul Web Services
- RESTful web service introduction
- REST Jersey Based web services ( JAX- RS)
- RESTful Service Provider.
- RESTFul Client details
Web Services Security
- Web Services Security
- XML Signature
- XML Encryption
Web Services Testing
- SOAP-UI Introduction
- Testing Web Services using SOAP-UI
Email: for more details and demo class.
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